With the rapid development of big data and cloud services, the bandwidth requirements of businesses in enterprise zone increase continuously. Traditional LANs (Local Area Network) can no longer meet these demands and the all-optical network, POL (Passive Optical LAN) solution is to be the first option.
Similar to FTTH, POL adopts PON(Passive Optical Network) technology, covering OLT(Optical Line Terminal),ONT(Optical Network Terminal) and ODN(Optical Distribution Network) products. This creates an architecture that is lower in cost to purchase, install, and maintain – and with a far longer life span – than traditional copper architectures.
Hiwin provides a full range of ODN products (optical cable, passive component and equipment) with the idea of TIS engineering mind to make the network more efficient. We also provide optical transceivers for OLT,ONT to decrease the TCO (total cost).